Friday, September 25, 2009

RR Companions; New Bug?

Maybe, maybe not.

Got that raider attack stuff done, and selectable via terminal command so people aren't stuck with it.

For the record: I had always intended on such a system, I just hadn't planned to start in so soon.

But, when the bitchz0ring in my general direction about ruining the peaceful vault life for people and their whores (no, I'm not kidding. One of the complaints was that it endangered the mod-added prostitutes who had been set to work out of the vault) I just put off the rest of my work and went ahead and added the system.

Reset the attacks to default to disabled, and have to be enabled manually. So no one can complain - at least legitimately.

That done, tested, and pronounced "working", I set about some other ideas I'd had for the companion script.

One of which is to make the girls draw their weapons when the player does. Like the sitting thing, this is a small feature, but I feel important for realism's sake.

Made the mods to the script, saved, and fired it up.

Didn't work. No big deal, I've had that issue before. I try a half-dozen other permutations of the code, only to find none work.

Fire the game up again, and have my digital avatar sit down, to test the sit package and see if the modified script is still working at all. wasn't.


So I replace the new version of the file with an older one.

Still doesn't work.

Fuck! What have I broken now?

Go all the way back to the original version of the plugin - one that I know works not just for me, but for everyone.

Still nothing.

Great, so it's not my coding; FO3 has just had a clusterfuck in its AI engine again.

Not sure whether to be thrilled or annoyed.

Start a new game, and low and behold, it works again.

So now I get to start the new coding process all over again, and see if it was my code that b0rked the engine, or something it did on its own.

And oh yeah, I get to do it with no money, no item stash, and back at level freaking two.

Then again, this sort of thing is to be expected from time to time.

One thing you have to bear in mind is that while the average player of one of my mods may have switched the plugin(s) on and off a half dozen times, I've got three versions of the companions mod, two alternate guards, four experimental features... and that's not counting interim testing versions that I play with seeing whether features are viable or not.

I switch back and forth between these things a lot. Probably the better part of a hundred script changes since starting the last game. It's to be expected that something was going to get its wires crossed eventually.

Oh well, maybe on a new game, the weapons check will work right. After that, we're on to following in casual clothes versus armor.

As much as I hate scripting, I really must be a masochist.

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