Monday, December 21, 2009


With Dark Helmet.

I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes...

Look at the comment posted on the RR Companions Vault file earlier today:

"My only complaint with RR Companions Vault 5-1-0 is that the new merchant you find in Cantaburry Commons is that she shows up on the second day after talking to her and she and her guards show up in the hall completly static and you walk right through them. and on the third day the kill every NPC they see I would not have inviter her if I knew her plans. on another play through the merchant and guard wiped out half the population of Cantaburry Commons and killed everybody in the Access Tunnels. not sure if it because of an issue with the factions or scripting error."

That's right, not only is it my fault that you have a fucked up game, but I intentionally spent two weeks working on a merchant and her entourage only to have them attempt to kill other NPCs that I knowingly made immortal beforehand. Great gag, eh? Sure, it was a colossal waste of my time, and serves no purpose whatsoever, but you have to suffer for a good joke.

I haven't posted a reply comment yet, because in all honesty I can't come up with one that doesn't end with "...and the horse you rode in on!" I'm thinking that one wouldn't be taken so well by the moderators.

I will mention, however, that there is only one way to kill the residents of the access tunnels, as there are only the six guards, who are set to essential. That way? Edit the mod, and reset the NPC flags. And what else, pray tell, was modified during that little excursion, I wonder?

At this point, I'm damned near ready to just make the blanket declaration that if you fuck with the mod yourself, the warranty is voided and you're on your own.

Oh, wait. That's right: there is no warranty, because you didn't pay anything for the mod in the first place!

The worst part about it isn't even the bitching. It's the complete lack of grammar and spelling ability. Now, I don't expect everyone to be an English major, and have a twenty thousand word vocabulary... but fuck me. I checked his profile; this person is twenty-three years old. That means some highschool graduated his ass, and pronounced his articulation and communication skills acceptable to become a productive member of society...

Can we please hurry up and get to Armageddon? Please? I've been a good sociopath this year, really!

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