Saturday, March 6, 2010

RR Companions Vault v5.6 Beta 3, Upcoming

Got some good news this morning.

Firstly, I've expanded Chloe's inventory yet again. Now? She also carries a complete line of Vault-Tec Bobbleheads for your collection. No more traipsing from one end of the wastes to the other, scrounging for that last one. No more worrying over missing the medicine or energy weapons bobbleheads, in your lone chance to acquire either one (if you run an alternate start mod, you only get the one chance for the medicine bobblehead in Trouble on the Homefront)... Provided you can afford her price.

Also, in a similar vein, I've somewhat successfully written a new script that manages Chloe's caps in her sales inventory. The script strives to maintain her caps level at around 25,000. Her extra caps are stored in a separate container. When she drops below 25k, caps will be removed from the reserve, and added to her normal inventory to bring her back up to 25k. If she goes over 30k, caps in excess of 25k will be removed, and stored in the reserve container. The reserve starts with 200k in it, so it should be able to transfer back and forth for quite awhile before you deplete her.

Caps from purchasing a bobblehead will go direct into the reserve for later use.

Unfortunately, because of... eccentricities in the FO3 engine, Chloe's inventory caps can not be updated while in the barter menu. It must be closed to allow GameMode to resume, and the script to make the appropriate adjustments. Further, sometimes you have to leave and re-enter the cell to get the inventory to update.

I'm still fine tuning, but this may be as good as it gets. I'm running headfirst into limits in the game engine again, so I may just have to call it good.


  1. Sounds like a fun mod add on to come out. Can't wait for it!

  2. Provided it works, yes.

    You've got to remember that the nude guard problem that required I take such harsh measures with v5.5 didn't manifest until several days after testing was completed, and the mod had been uploaded.

    Don't think I've left any loopholes for the game to screw me this time, but one never knows around here.


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