Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hungry Dogs

There's an old saying I've often pondered.

"Feed a stray dog three times, and it will come to you every time it's hungry"

I try to help people out with their modding. I know it's a bitch learning on your own.

Trouble is, it's going from an obscure issue that the forums can't help with, could you give me a hand?; to my first try didn't work, write the code for me so it will.

Getting so that every time I log into the Nexus I have at least one PM awaiting me, wanting some scripting. It's beginning to interfere with my modding, and I'm forced to wonder if I haven't been tossing the strays too many hot dogs without thinking.

Worse still, it's very difficult for me to help, because people don't use my proffered scripts whole. They take a line and integrate it into the existing work, and the result doesn't flow for me the way my own scripts do, so it's hard to make heads 'r tails of what's actually going on.

I can figure it out, of course... but the question remains: do I want my 'modding career' to be one of perpetual tutorials and tech support?

I should also note I'm not calling anyone out with this post, not singling anyone out, or making a passive-aggressive suggestion that you stop asking me for help. Just... thinking out loud/in semi-public text, as it were.

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